How we choose the experts
Inside the europeans databases there is a variety of systems that are used to select experts. Inside our Italian database experts are chosen with a methodology shared with a group of scientific partners ( the Gender Center of the Università degli studi di Milano, Università Bocconi, Ispi).
Generally, the used criteria are: actuality and innovation in researches, territorial representativeness, to identify experts which are expression of different geographical reality; gender and generations, to give visibility to those who are focused on gender dimension and actively involved in the promotion of young women; availability to meet the needs of journalists which are privileged users of the database.
- STEM AREA: criteria for academics are the European Research Council (ERC) classification of scientific disciplines, adding keywords in dedicated databases, like Scopus, ResearchGate and Web of Science; importance, assessing publications, with priority for international ones, analyzing their prestige and the variety of thematics addressed.
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL AREA: academics are selected according to the REPEC top 5% ranking for female economists who are working in Italy in Group of Academic Recruitment Fields 13/A of the MIUR or abroad, keeping in consideration bibliometric indicators: Google Scholar citations over 1000 and at least 12 H-index.
Non-academic experts of these two areas are selected through the snow ball sampling technique, namely thanks to the colleagues of activated network reporting, with special attention to those who have lower visibility while having same criteria.
3) INTERNATIONAL POLITICS AREA: academics are selected based on relevant educational qualification (university degree and/or doctorate in Political Science, International Relations, Law, International Economy, History, Languages for International Relations), publications ( on science magazines and on dedicated Think Tank websites), advices to national/europeans institution and/or international organizations, awards and distinctions.
For the professionals, we always resort to snow ball sampling, including experts who have at least 5 years experience, with a relevant university degree/doctorate in the field, advices to national/europeans institution and/or international organizations. The database includes also members of International Organizations.