It might be surprising, but representing women is not hard — yet many are still claiming that inclusion is a complex process. To skim out some excuses, here is a practical list of DOs & DON’Ts: it may not be this simple, but you should start from here.


  1. To everyone: if you think that women experts are hard to find, start by organizing your lessons, meetings or interviews through one of the several databases available all-around Europe. These are lists full of brilliant professionals, complete with contact details and field of expertise.  In Italy, for example,, gather hundreds of women experts in STEM, economy and international politics.
  2. To experts: we know that panels are frequently composed only by men, while women are completely absent. If you come to know that a meeting or a convention or a commission have no participation of women, denounce it on your social media: everyone has the right and duty to know when rules of gender equity are not respected…
  3. … and get in touch with one of the several associations or groups that promote gender equality, because with a common effort women can achieve significant goals and most importatly — you are not alone…
  4. … and it may also happen that, if you are well known, you will get invited to too many conferences. Act and suggest someone else: an esteemed colleague, or a younger one. This way, many more female experts will get recognition and the voice of women will be louder.
  5. To men: in particular to the business leaders and to the politicians.  An OECD report says that in eight years the world GDP might increase by two points if the gap of participation of women in economy will be halved. Stereotypes and prejudices charge a price for non-growth to the whole world.


  1. To everyone: don’t organize panels with only men.
  2. To experts : don’t join panels where you are the only woman or in case of an absolute minority of feminine presence…
  3. … and don’t accept to join to panels where you are invited only as a woman and not as an expert. For instance when the issue of the meeting is far from your competence…
  4. … and don’t be shy with interviews for TV or newspapers only because, as women frequently do even if they are very competent, you have a loss of self confidence.
  5. To men: don’t accept to partecipate to panels with no women or a very low feminine presence. This invitation is addressed in particular to politicians and to everyone says.  to be against discrimination. Otherwise they would be no more believable.