What’s on the agenda for our upcoming event in Bologna

As part of the Festival della Cultura Tecnica 2022:
ENWE – European Network for Women Excellence,
in collaboration with cheFare and GiULiA Giornaliste,
Le competenze femminili
per una nuova Europa
[Women’s Skills
for a New Europe]
Tuesday, November 22
from 2 to 5 pm
Sala Marco Biagi
Via Santo Stefano 119
Bologna (Italy)
With the contribution of Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna, and the support of Quartiere Santo Stefano (Bologna) and Fondazione dell’Ordine dei Giornalisti dell’Emilia Romagna
Book your free place to attend
- I media e la valorizzazione delle competenze femminili [The media and the enhancement of women’s skills] with Agnese Pini (journalist, editor-in-chief of Il Giorno, La Nazione, il Resto del Carlino e QN Quotidiano Nazionale)
- Saluti [Greetings] by Rosa Maria Amorevole (president of Quartiere Santo Stefano) and Silvestro Ramunno (journalist, president of Odg Emilia-Romagna)
- Cosa ci dicono i dati GMMP (Global Media Monitoring Project) [Findings from te GMMP (Global Media Monitoring Project)] with Monia Azzalini (Osservatorio di Pavia – GMMP Italy coordinator)
- Progetto ENWE: una rete europea di database al femminile [ENWE: a network of women’s databases] with Luisella Seveso (journalist, GiULiA association, ENWE)
- Presentazione database europei ENWE: AcademiaNet, Agenda d’Expertes, Les Expertes; 100esperte, il database italiano [An overview of the ENWE European network of databases: AcademiaNet, Agenda d’Expertes, Les Expertes; 100esperte, the Italian database] presented by Maria Luisa Villa (journalist, GiULiA association)
- Il valore delle donne nell’economia europea [The role of women in the European economy] with Marcella Corsi (Economist, University of Rome La Sapienza professor)
The event is moderated by Paola Rizzi (giornalista, associazione GiULiA, ENWE)
Admission to the event is free. Book your place at this link.