The European Network for Women Excellence is an initiative with a European goal. That’s why our ambassadors and media ambassadors come from all-around the continent and the Union.


Karen Ross

Karen Ross, PhD is Professor of Gender and Media at Newcastle University, UK. Her teaching and research focus on gender, media, politics, and society. She has published numerous papers and books on this topic, including her (edited) collection, the International Encyclopaedia of Gender, Media and Communication, published by Wiley Blackwell in autumn 2020.

Claudia Padovani

Claudia Padovani is Associate Professor in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Padova (Italy), where she teaches master courses in Communication Governance and Engendering Communication Practices. Her main areas of interest concern the transformation of political processes in the global context and their connection to the evolution of communication processes and technologies, with a special focus on gender equality issues, communication rights and social justice.

Antonia Carparelli

Antonia Carparelli is an economist and economic historian by training. Expert in European institutions and policies, she has worked for over twenty years in Brussels at the European Commission and holds a course on Governance and Policies of the European Union at the LUMSA University in Rome. She is the author of numerous scientific essays, articles and presentations at international conferences on the topics she has dealt with during her professional life.

Monia Azzalini

Monia Azzalini, PhD is senior associate researcher of the Osservatorio di Pavia, where she trained as a researcher after graduating in 1994. Her main areas of activity concern applied research and studies related to media and gender including aspects of diversity and inclusion, public and political communication, journalism. She authored several articles and book chapters. Since 2005 she is national co-coordinator of the Global Media Monitoring Project. She is one of the creators of the 100Esperte database, which is part of the ENWE network.

Ewelina Jelenkowska-Lucà

Ewelina Jelenkowska-Lucà is a lawyer, advocate and expert in communication, heading the communication unit in DG CONNECT, European Commission, dealing with digital and technology. She graduated in law in Poland and in Italy and took a post-graduate in EU law at the College of Europe. She has been working in EU institutions since 2003, first at the Court of Justice and then in the European Commission – including two Representations: in Warsaw and in Rome. Polyglot, she has always been passionate about equal opportunities and professional development of women, in particular in STEM and digital, promoting gender sensitive communication and women empowerment.

Paola Profeta

Paola Profeta is a professor of Public Economics at Bocconi University, and President of the European Public Choice Society and member of the board of management of the International Institute of Public Finance. Her research focuses on public economics, political economics and gender economics. Author of the book Gender Equality and Public Policy. Measuring progress in Europe (Cambridge University Press, 2020), she organizes international conferences on the topic of gender equality and female leadership. On the same topic, she collaborates with the Department of Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministries and with numerous associations and institutions engaged in the promotion of gender equality and female leadership. She regularly writes editorials in Il Sole 24 Ore and collaborates with Corriere della Sera and blog La 27esima Ora.

Annalisa Ciampi

Annalisa Ciampi is an academic and international lawyer specializing in human rights and international justice. She has a PhD in International Law from the University of Rome La Sapienza and an LL.M. from Harvard Law School. A Professor of Law since 2005, she is currently a full professor of international law at the University of Verona. She has authored over 100 publications and served in various capacities including as legal adviser to the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and most recently as UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association.

Marina Calloni

Marina Calloni is a Full Professor of Political and Social Philosophy at the University of Milan-Bicocca, and holds PhDs in Philosophy and Social and Political Science. In 2020, she was honored as an “Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic” by President Sergio Mattarella. Calloni is the president of the Italian Society of Critical Theory and director of the ADV research center—Against Domestic Violence—and the UNIRE academic network, which promotes the Istanbul Convention in Italian universities. Additionally, she is an advisor to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Femicide and Gender Violence at the Senate of the Italian Republic, and she collaborates with the Council of Europe – OCEAN (Open Council of Europe Academic Network). Her international academic roles have included guest professorships at the Italian Academy – Columbia University and the New School for Social Research in New York. She has lectured worldwide, directed numerous projects, and authored 30 books and 280 scientific works on social philosophy, human rights, gender issues, and more. She is responsible for the “Philosophy” section of the 100Esperte women experts’ database.

Media Ambassadors

Anna Maria Crispino

Anna Maria Crispino is a journalist and essayist. She worked in different news outlet (newspaper, weekly and monthly magazines). She is the founder of “Leggendaria. Libri Letture Linguaggi”, an Italian bimonthly on Literature, Art and Women’s Studies, now in its 25th year of publishing. Author and/or editor of a number of books on women’s literature and politics, she now works as publishing director of Iacobelli editore, a publishing house based in Rome with a distinctive attention for women’s writing. One of the founding member of the Società Italiana delle Letterate (SIL, Italian Society of Women Writers), since 2018 she has been among the promoters of “Feminism. Fiera dell’editoria delle Donne”.

La Nazione Editor-in-chief Agnese Pini
Photo: Mori – Moggi/New Press Photo

Agnese Pini is the editor-in-chief of the daily newspapers Il Giorno, Il Resto del Carlino, La Nazione, and QN Quotidiano Nazionale. She was been the youngest editor-in-chief appointed in Italy. Graduated with honors in literature, she started to work as journalist in the editorial board of La Nazione of Ferrara, then in the daily newspaper Il Giorno, where for six years she dealt with crime and judicial news. Between 2009 and 2010 Agnese Pini studied at Journalism school IFG Walter Tobagi. She collaborated with editorial groups L’Espresso, Mondadori and with the Press agency Ansa.

Daniele Manca

Daniele Manca graduated at Dams Bologna University. Inaugural Fellow for Sulzberger program at the Columbia University School of Journalism. He worked for the leading Italian daily newspapers and weekly magazines (Italia Oggi, Il Giorno, Mondo Economico). Since 1994 he is at Corriere della Sera where in 2009 was appointed as deputy editor in chief and columnist. Columnist for the major Italian tv channels,  he is author and coauthor of essays and novels. Master in Journalism at Iulm University in Milan, he is also member of the Scientific Committee of Fuori Quota association and member of Economics and Finance section of the Scientific Committee of “100esperte”.

Françoise Kadri

Françoise Kadri is a journalist working for more than 30 years at AFP news agency. She has a bachelor in economic science and a master in journalism from Paris’ CFJ (Centre de formation des journalists). She has been posted in several countries: Germany, Italy (twice), Japan, South America. After six months at the international service in AFP Paris headquarters, she is currently at the fact checking department—also called digital investigation department—whose mission is to fight against fake news online. Kadri is also a volunteer in media education association “Entre Les Lignes”, created by AFP and Le Monde. “Entre les lignes” organizes workshops in high schools in order to develop a critical spirit in disciples and to open their eyes about the risks of misinformation and the proliferation of fake news in the social networks.