There are a few but excellent economist women in Italy but nobody knows them. They are seldom asked for an interview or for an opinion about the economic situation of the country, as professor Paola Profeta, economist and lecturer at Bocconi University claims. But yet they certainly might say something interesting and different compared to what men think. We know that women are experts on the labor market, gender economy, family, education. If they were more considered they might influence political decision and change the guidelines of governments.
They often know how to communicate better than their male colleagues. Why are they invisible? Because the boy-network is too strong and the girl network inexistent? Because of too many stereotypes? Because women are always insecure ? Because they have no time to dedicate to their visibility? This is a question related to all experts in any field of knowledge, not only economists.
Therefore the promotion of experts is a dutiful action. Not a gift, but a metter of merit. Give visibility to these excellent professional means also to incentivize young women to make their voices heard. This will change the economy perspective and will offer a different and new look over the world.